Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Tense? I'm not tense...

That is, if you mean that my muscles are constantly wrenched into a state that is the opposite of relaxed, then no, I'm not tense...

BUT... as far as PAST TENSE, yeah... I think I might be that. Well, in psychodynamicgroove's case, I'm sure of it.

Getting on with it, though, I'd like to say that life is confusing. When you think you have it figured out, folks, think again. It's always changing in circumstance. I'm looking, be it not searching, for constance. Why? It's pointless. I read Belle's moving memoirs and I think that she's got it figured out (except for the fact that she works for FOX news). I know that she's got a few years on me, but we're both shooting for similar goals (well, mine are a bit more altruistic in a seemingly less materialistic environment).

I'm young. I know that. But for some reason I feel like I should keep trusting my heart and my gut while remaining skeptical of my easily fooled faith. My mind is telling me this, so that's why it doesn't render the choice. How can you choose between heart and mind when your mind is doing the choosing? Yeah... that's what I thought, too.

So, I'll break out of the 'mothership' for lunch and pass the Deathstar on my way to some West End eatery. Or, I could bore myself ... whichever comes first.


MattJ said...
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MattJ said...

Sorry, that was me. Was being a little harsh about the blog you linked to because his grammar and use of language was so poor. I'm in a bad mood today so it wound me up! Gonna go back to my sulking now ;-P

Miss Dallas said...

The first blog or the second? The first is the blog of a Ph.D. student. The second is that of an aspiring cable news journalist.

I'm a worrywort today. Rita is headed to strike Texas. My family has digs near the coast.

MattJ said...

Hi, was the 'little temple' one I found really pretentious. I'm guessing it's not an English phd he's doing? No the second one is pretty nicely put together, not my thing but cohesive so I can see why so many people like it.