Sunday, July 24, 2005

Imagine that...

I wasn't quite sure why I always took my camera everywhere with me, but lately, I've been discovering the reason behind it. Lately I've been capturing images that are so memorable. Things that would slip through your fingers in everyday life have become something that I revel in. The little things you see everyday. Those things that you look at, those things that make a grin form on your countenance. No matter how brief it affects you, it causes something in you to change.

Maybe the same can be said about a picture of that moment. Something that you see in that image, whether actually on the film plane, on the print or in the code that displays it on your screen, or whether you imagine it in your mind, does it affect you the same way? Will you feel that smile breach your glazed-over and satisfied face? Will you appreciate it? Or will you let it slip through your fingers again?

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