Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Guilty, as charged

My old dear friend Jack used to help me work through what has become such a problem for me: guilt. Most of my behavior, sometimes perceived as altruism, is motivated by guilt. I stay late at work because I feel too guilty to leave people with work to do. I get to work early so I can help pick up other duties to help our department run seamlessly (or at least attempt to run seamlessly). I went to a cardio bootcamp class at the gym for three months because I was guilted into it, I just couldn't tell the instructor that his class just wasn't for me.

Guilt is really starting to keep me from doing all the things that I love and want to do. I usually don't get out of work until 5:30, but there are classes at 6 p.m. that I really want to attend, most notably a spin class. But I stay late to meet other peoples deadlines, and therefore I miss the class.

Today, I'm going to change all that. I'm leaving at least 15 minutes early to go to that class. No one better stand in my way, and I'll be damned if I'll feel guilty about doing something for myself. Finally.

I hope that Jack would be proud, whatever the heck he's doing these days...


MattJ said...

Personally I would leave 15 inutes late to avoid one of them devils spinning classes. You do know that was Torquemada's primary method of torture right? :p

I am putting you on my RSS feeder! you blog like a spin class! hehe

Olivia said...

Spinning hurts! It is THE thing to do up in Canada.

Today in London it was Leave Work on Time day. London loses £5 billion per year on unpaid overtime. This day urges people to take a proper lunch break and leave work at a normal time.

Miss Dallas said...

That's the thing though. I'd totally love to take an hour lunch and leave on time if I didn't have so much crap to do! Maybe that's the thing, people lose money on overtime because they expect too much of other people!

Miss Dallas said...

Oh, and about spinning: I love the gal that teaches the class, but I can never seem to make it. I think I'm going to take off early Wednesday so I can make it regularly. Let's see what the higher-ups say...