Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Reasons why I can't get on the skinny jeans bandwagon

1) I live in Texas. It never really gets cold enough to tuck skinny jeans into UGGs. The people that do this during one of Dallas' 70 F winter days deserve universal disdain.

2) I have a rather large posterior. I did not look good in the 90s style tapered leg jean. I will definitely not look good in a ultra-tapered, ass-and-thigh hugging pair of stretchy jeans.

3) Tunics make me look pregnant. The only way I would be able to wear skinny jeans is with flats and a tunic.


Anya said...

Why can't you do skinny jeans with heels? I can't do skinny jeans in flats b/c my legs are too bulky (mostly muscle) so wearing heels elongates them.

Kyla Roma said...

I'm all about the skinny jean and a tall boot- but in Texas that sounds like a way to end up with cooked feet!

Straight cut jeans look better on everyone, you're not at all missing out =)

The Maiden Metallurgist said...

Skinny jeans make me look like a candy apple. I look good in a boot cut, and If I'm feeling great, I can pull off a straight leg jean, but skinny? I'm no masochist.

Olivia said...

I know what you mean, same here. In a way, nobody looks good in those skinny jeans. Getting into them can't be fun either.
I hate the way young people look like they've just got out of bed: sweatpants and Uggs, PJ bottoms and Uggs, and those silly checkered flannel shirts have returned to go over the other junk.

I've recently gotten into Not Your Daughter's Jeans, and Salt Works Jeans from NY. Finally, something that nearly turns my new shape into my old shape! Other than that, I've simply GOT to start working out.

Emily Jane said...

I can't wear skinny jeans either! I'm one of those magazine definition Pear Shaped Girls - I take an XS on top but have large thighs and a bum that made my mother swear "there must have been some black in the family somewhere along the line". Skinny jeans make me look like a bowling ball with a head and shins.