Monday, November 10, 2008

No one could care about your life that much

One of my friends just sent me an e-mail about plans for Thanksgiving. After we were done with our back and forth she sent me a link to find her on Twitter. Part of me was able to supress the compulsion to e-mail her back and tell her that no one could possibly care enough about what you ate for breakfast or how big of a dump you took this afternoon to not be able to wait and read it on your blog.

I had yogurt and Fiber One for breakfast, but still nothing to report this afternoon...


Anonymous said...

But you'll be sure to tell us when something does happen, right???

Faith said...

This reflects my feelings on Twitter...and MySpace, etc., to a T.

Olivia said...

I still don't get Twitter. Is it like Facebook but with only the status updates?

Miss Dallas said...

Twitter is the epitome of self-involvement in that it is a way to post up-to-the-minute updates about what's going on in your life. It's like willing cyber-stalking.